Celebrities With Love Lives Thriving As Much As Their Bank Accounts (UK Edition)

Keira Knightley and James Righton – Together For 10 Years

Keira Knightley is, hands down, one of the prettiest actresses in the United Kingdom. With that said, we should also mention that James Righton is extremely lucky to have won her heart in 2011 and become her husband in 2013, and vice versa, because Righton is a good-looking guy himself.

While Knightley is a prolific actress known for her work in productions such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Pride & Prejudice, and Anna Karenina, Righton is a musician who used to be a member of the rave band Klaxons. In the present, both in their 30s, they are parents of two little girls named Edie and Delilah.

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