Magic Malfunction: The Wildest Disney Park Photos You Can’t Unsee

Rollercoaster Ride Brings Clown to Frown Town

Who says clowns never get to have off days? This one has a cigarette dangling in his mouth, arms folded in defiance against the coaster’s dips and dives. While others scream in delight, his frown deepens, untouched by the excitement. It’s a rare scene: a performer known for eliciting laughter, now the picture of discontent among thrill-seekers.

He may have been coerced onto the ride or just isn’t a fan of high-speed thrills. This image shatters the stereotype, prompting us to realize that there’s a range of emotions behind the painted smiles and exaggerated expressions. On another note, we hope no one there had coulrophobia or a fear of clowns.

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